Tuesday, October 20, 2009

porting sw_dotnet_acp to a TICS framework

Pedro Miranda (http://magikbites.blogspot.com) has contributed the very cool sw_dotnet_acp code to the Magik Components SourceForge community (aka mclib). Recently someone asked me if I had used this library with the TICS framework instead of with the ACP framework. I had not done that but thought that would be an interesting question to ask my readers.

If anyone is interested in collaborating on a sw_dotnet_acp port to something like sw_dotnet_tics in the context of the mclib community, please post a comment to this post or send me a note to the contact information on the sidebar of this blog.

1 comment:

Pedro Miranda said...

Hi Alfred,

I would love collaborating with the extension or port of sw_dotnet_acp to tics.
I will email you so we can chat a little more about it.
Pedro Miranda